Thursday, February 20, 2025
Durational Performance: 3–8 PM
Sound-based Performance: 6–8PM
Anderson Auditorium, School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts (230 Fenway)Join Tufts University Art Galleries (TUAG) and Mobius member Lani Asunción with sound artists and musicians Matthew Azevedo and Magdalena Abrego for an immersive sonic multimedia performance with sound, video, and time as memory and remembering,
BLOODLESS: BLOOD, BONES, ALOHA! reflects upon the last monarch of Hawai’i Queen “Lydia” Lili’uokalani’s writing while imprisoned at Iolani Palace following the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by a Euro-American oligarchy who wanted control of the Hawaiian government. In 1898, the United States illegally annexed the once-free Hawai’i despite Queen Lili’uokalani’s letters protesting the U.S. assertion of ownership without due process or just compensation. In the same year, following the Spanish-American War the Treaty of Paris (1898) ended the period of Spanish colonization in the Philippines and granted possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States.
BLOODLESS: BLOOD, BONES, ALOHA! A Performance by Lani Asunción is part of a new commission in an archive and/or a repertoire, on view at TUAG/ Boston, 230 Fenway, through April 20, 2025.