Resister, Disrupter, Visionary

A group exhibition featuring artwork from current and past students and faculty of the MassArt Studio for Interrelated Media community @massartsim

July 13-August 31 2022

Curated by Erica Gaeta and Milan Kohout; @ericagaeta @plzenslovany

We call to our discomfort, our differences, and our uncertain but incredible existence for this show, to share our unique experiences and artistic expressions without censorship or judgement. Rather than separate and isolate through our identities, we call to our community to weave together our threads and continue conversations on change.

SIM, founded in 1969, the first of its kind, is a creative collective art curriculum centered around contemporary, interdisciplinary, self governed, art practice. It is heavily focused in event production, gallery curation, public service, activism, experimentation, collaboration, and community. SIM explores the intersections of all media- sound, light, performance, print & spoken word, interactive & experiential installation, and on. It is influenced by the history of the educational experiments of A.S. Neill’s progressive Summerhill School (1921-present), the Black Mountain College (1933 – 1957), the Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) project (1967), as well as developments in the art world in the early 60’s that advocated the dematerialization of the art object and launched Performance Art as a genre.

Reception: Thursday July 14 5pm

Featuring Live Music by:

Indë @artbyinde, The Croaks @thecroaks, Pleasure Coffin @pleasurecoffin & Live Performance by: Serena Gabriels @serenagabrielsart

poster content sourced from “grow where you are” by Sandrine Schaefer

The event is finished.


Jul 14 2022


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm