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The Midway Arts Operator and Arts Group (TAG) Exhibition Committee coordinates and facilitates arts and performance programming with compelling examples of performance, visual, and interdisciplinary art in the Midway Galleries.
Overview of the responsibilities between the Artist/Curator and Midway Gallery as listed and described within:
Arts Operator and TAG is responsible for:
- Providing install & de-install guidance, if applicable
- Promotional support through our various online and social media channels
- Providing promotional guidelines
- A vinyl title wall for all exhibitions (black vinyl, 2 lines of text [title of show and artist name])
The Artist/Curator is responsible for:
- Curating the event/exhibition
- Installation, de-installation, wall repair, and cleanup of the exhibition/event
- Interfacing with all participating artists, including coordinating install and de-install
- Creating and applying accompanying description labels for all artworks (required)
- Storage and handling of artwork
- Processing of sales between the patron and artist if assistance is needed
- Staffing events and hours outside of public operation, and additional security if applicable
- Discussing and resolving insurance issues with TAG
- Safety of the exhibition, and additional security measures if needed.
- Coordinating music, PA system and sound system, if applicable
- Coordinating and hiring additional services; i.e. photographer, catering, etc.
- Organizing of refreshments, if applicable
- Assist promoting the exhibition, and encouraging participating artists
- All related expenses, unless agreed upon in advance with TAG
- The practice of no pay to play exhibitions. Entry and submission fees for exhibitions are prohibited.
- Production and funding of promotional and presentation materials, such as postcards, posters, handouts, labels, and price sheets. 10 11″X17″ posters will be printed and provided to the Artist/Curator by Midway Gallery.
- Funding for any associated expenses. As a non-for-profit entity all funding must be requested, documented, and obtained as an optional donation with guidance from Exhibitions. All excess funds must be refunded. Upon request and authorized by TAG, up to $300 will be reimbursed for exhibition receptions with receipts.
- Maintaining accounting records/receipts for all funding support and donations.
The Arts Group and Exhibition Co-Chairs will at all times retain all rights to reject specific works of art, or to reject any artist who proves uncooperative or whose approach is not, in their sole and absolute discretion, in the interests of the space and/or the immediate or surrounding community.
At the beginning of the installation a final walkthrough of the show will be conducted by the Arts Operator to verify that the artwork meets the criteria established by the Gallery. If any artwork does not meet the criteria of the gallery the artist/curator will be asked not to include it.
Artist/Curator is responsible for the presentation of the artwork and installation, including accompanying labels describing the artwork, statement and pricing materials, accuracy of installation and presentation, safety considerations, and maintenance.
Artist/Curator is responsible for all aspects of art handling, installation, de-install, clean-up, and storage. This extends to staffing, materials & hardware, presentation platforms, and patching & repairing walls (repair supplies will be provided by the Midway Gallery). The installation, de-installation, and clean-up must be completed within the scheduled agreement. The Midway Gallery is responsible for general periodic cleaning of the gallery.
Artist/Curator is responsible for all storage needs and associated liability of the exhibition and artwork. The Midway Gallery does not have a storage space available.
Midway provides the Artist/Curator with promotional guidelines that suggest a campaign starting 6 weeks before the exhibition. Artist/Curator is responsible for the completion and return of the deliverables in the guidelines. Click here for promotional guidelines.
INSURANCE FORM An insurance form must be completed and include all artwork in your show. This form needs to be completed 2 weeks before the show start. This online form allows you to add up to 10 pieces of artwork. If you need to enter more than 10 pieces of artwork, please fill out additional forms. You can send the link to individual artists to fill out for their artwork.
Artists and curators who do not want to have their artwork insured must complete this form.
A listing of all exhibiting artworks and programming must be submitted by the artist/curator 2 weeks prior to the exhibition start date. Click here to enter the artwork listing.
*Curators, please note that if the Insurance form lists all artwork in the show, it can be used as the artwork listing.
The Midway Gallery will generally be open to the public from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on non-holiday weekdays. Artist/Curator is responsible for staffing hours outside the Midway Gallery’s public hours and to provide a schedule noting the specific dates. Midway Gallery has the right to reject staff if they do not feel they are appropriate, and close the Midway Gallery without notice if the staff provided is found negligent or inappropriate, as determined by TAG at their sole discretion.
Artist/Curator shall be responsible for all staffing needs with mature individuals knowledgeable about the exhibit and the operation of the gallery, and must agree to respect the privacy and quiet enjoyment of the residents and neighbors of the Midway Gallery.
This includes:
- Loud music or noise is not permitted unless approval is given by Midway Gallery.
- Notify the Midway Gallery (at least 72 hours in advance) of any events where large numbers of people may be present.
- To control any inappropriate behavior of persons attending an exhibition or an opening, and to maintain order and appropriate behavior in and around the Midway Gallery at all times.
- All terms, procedures, and policies included within this agreement.
Artist/Curator must recognize and agree that the Midway Gallery is a public and multi-use space, and is made available for private events on a regular basis, and shall consent to whatever reasonable accommodations must be made to support these events. This will be negotiated between the Artist/Curator and the Midway Gallery, on a case by case basis to assure a mutually appropriate outcome.
The attendance of all events will remain below the legal capacity code.
All sales made on the Midway Gallery premises shall be considered transactions directly between patron and artist, such that each exhibiting artist is solely responsible for handling the payment of any sales taxes or other tariffs, fees, taxes, or licensing fees legally incurred as a result of such transaction.
The artist/curators will pay the agreed commission on sales, to the gallery within 30 days. The amount of this commission will be agreed upon prior to the exhibition, and will not exceed 20% of the sale price of the work.
Upon request by the Artist/Curator and approval from TAG, up to $300 will be reimbursed to the Artist/Curator for an exhibition reception within 30 days of receipts submitted. Funding and expenses beyond the $300 support provided is the responsibility of the Artist/Curator. Exceeding funding must be requested, documented, and obtained as an optional donation with guidance from TAG. All excess funds must be refunded and cannot be profited.
No shared expenses should be incurred by either party until there is prior written consent of the other party as to the amount of the expense.
Entry and submission fees (pay to play) for exhibitions are prohibited.
Fundraising/benefit exhibitions can be held with the following stipulations:
- The fundraiser must be overt in its cause
- Clearly stated to the participating artists
- The funds must go to the purpose of the cause, and not to cover promotion/operational expenses, it must be approved by MAC/TAG.
- Language must be approved by TAG.
The Artist/Curator is responsible for all considerations and measures of safety and security pertaining to the exhibition, installation/de-installation, audience, and artwork.
The Midway Gallery shall maintain insurance policies including $1,000,000 aggregate general liability, replacement cost property coverage for the Gallery itself, and $100,000 of property insurance for installed artwork. Any additional coverage desired by the Artist/Curator shall be at Artist/Curator’s expense.
Artwork is insured for 80% of the declared retail value above (Declared retail value should include framing or other costs). If artwork is damaged and can be repaired, insurance will cover the cost of repair. If cost of repair exceeds the declared value of the work of art, or if the piece is damaged beyond repair or restoration, insurance will cover the full declared retail value of the work of art. If an insurance claim is filed for the full value of the work of art, the work of art will be turned over to Midway Artist Studios or its insurance provider upon submission of claim. An insurance disbursement will not be made unless the work has been turned over.
The Midway Gallery is a public space that is not supervised. The use of security hardware is recommended as a standard precaution, and is the responsibility of the Artist/Curator to provide and install.
Ownership and Copyright to any artworks exhibited are reserved to the Artist/Curator.
Midway Gallery shall have permission from the Artist/Curator to photograph the gallery and exhibition openings to be used for the promotional purposes of Midway Artist Studios and efforts of The Arts Group.
The Artist/Curator appoints Midway Gallery to act as the artist’s exclusive agent for the exhibition.
This agreement shall commence on the date signed and expire on upon the removal of the exhibition, and can be terminated by the Midway Artist Collective, Inc. at any time if the agreement terms are not withheld or poses unforeseen liability. If terminated, as much notice as possible will be given. Upon termination, all artwork shall immediately be retrieved by the artists, or be returned to the Artist/Curator (or estate), any cost of moving/shipping will be the responsibility of the Artist/Curator.
All modifications of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties hereto.
This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party hereto.
All disputes arising under this Agreement shall be submitted to binding arbitration subject to Massachusetts law.
In the event of any default by the Midway Artist Collective Inc, the Artist/Curator shall have all the right of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code and the works shall not be claims by the Midway Artist Collective creditors.
Midway Artist Collective, Inc. agrees not to pledge or encumber any works in its possession, not to incur any charge or obligation in connection herewith for which the Artist/Curator may be liable.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Massachusetts.