General Information and Schedule

Midway Staff will use your images and text to promote your show. 

  1. There will be an email blast about your show sent to Midway, FPAC, and other artist buildings in Fort Point. This can be a poster with all the details of your show or a poster and text. 
  2. Your show will be added to the Midway community calendar. 
  3. Your event will be put on our resident lobby screen. 
  4. Your show is added to the Midway Gallery site.


We would like the curator/artist to provide us with the text and images for promoting their show to ensure that the promotion reflects the curator and artists’ voices.

Please double check spelling (especially of artist names), punctuation, capitalization, and accuracy of dates and times.

We encourage you to have a schedule for promotion, along with supporting images and text so that the exhibition can be promoted continually during the exhibition.

Promotion Schedule
Please tag your show posts and mention Midway Studios Instagram in your stories. @midwayartiststudios

Please Follow This Schedule

Items Needed

6 weeks to 1 month before show


  1. For Instagram Post: Teaser for show, text and image or images we can make a carousel with. Images of the artwork and behind-the-scenes preparations. Include hashtags and website url.
  2. Press Release
  3. Gallery website home page image thumbnail and Website “banner”   image and text for the web  page. http://www.midwaygallery.org/ 
  4. Poster Image 11 x 17 ( we print 10 posters)
  5. Midway lobby screen image 16×9 Portrait.

4 to 6 weeks before show

printed poster image – PDF file, see details below

Midway screens image 16×9 Portrait see details below

2 weeks before the show (optional) For Instagram Post: Text and image(s), Include hashtags and website url.
2 weeks before the show installation (need an EPS file). This ensures we have the correct size and fonts contained in the file.

For the vinyl title wall – You can come on site and decide where you want the title to go (and measure).  

The title wall is your show name and your name. This is cut in black vinyl. This is not a vinyl wrap with a background.


In the Main Gallery the title wall usually goes up on the wall entering the Main Gallery from 15 Channel Center Street. In the Art Tunnel the title usually goes up to the left of the Troika door. You can choose to put it somewhere else. 

During installation For Instagram Post: Photos of artist(s)  installing at the show, text for post.  Include hashtags and website url.

1 week after reception


For Instagram Post and photos to be added to your show webpage on the Midway Gallery Site: Photos of the show and the reception. Include hashtags and website url.
1 week before show end
For Instagram Post Text and image. Include hashtags and website url.
Gallery Promotion Media Guidelines

File formats accepted .jpg or .png. PDF for print.

*Note that images can be used for multiple media. For example, the size used for the Instagram post can be used as the thumbnail for the Midway Gallery site.

What we need

Size/File Dimensions

Where it shows up

File Naming Conventions

Gallery website home page image thumbnail
2500px x 2500px

This image is the image that represents your gallery page. This can be the same image you use for Instagram.



Website “banner” image and text for the web page 14″ x 7″ 4200px x 2100px This image is placed at the top of your web page. showname_GALWEBBAN
Instagram /Facebook post & image and text for post
2500px x 2500px https://www.instagram.com/midwayartiststudios/ showname_INSTFACE
printed poster image – PDF file
11 x 17 We will print 10 posters for you.  showname_POSTER

press release PDF file

letter sized


8.5 x 11 Sent to the Press and contacts outside Midway.  Must include the Midway Gallery Logo.  showname_PRESSREL


  Hover over the Gallery logo and click your right mouse button to download the logo.  

Midway screens image

16×9 Portrait 

1080px x 1920px On the screen outside the Midway resident lobby elevators. showname_MIDSCREEN

Midway Email Blast text (optional)


Email sent to residents about an upcoming show. We can use your poster only for this email or you can provide additional text. showname_EMAIL