“Waking up from a Covid Nightmare into Global Climatic Collapse Nightmare”
As many times repeated in human history we the artists have again one of the most unique duties to wake up the general population about coming social disasters at this time caused by the climatic collapse.
Global Climatic Collapse is now the most urgent danger for the survival of the whole of humanity on Earth.
We should remind ourselves that art is like an Aristotelian circle, within which three words spin endlessly: art is politics is life is art is politics is life is art…
We have to beat the artistic bells for the alarm.
The collective show at Midway Gallery is one of those bells.
Artists in the Show: Nikolay Cherny, Olga Shmuylovich, Andrew Neumann, Anne Callahan, Billy and Bobby McClain, Christina K. Pierce, Dawna Davis, Emma F. Kohoutova, Imogen K. Pierce, Jacob Higginbottom, Jim Russell, Karen McFeaters, Mario Avila, Matthew Keller, Mellisa Davenport, Michelle Curran, Mike Tyrrell, Milan Kohout, Nathan Evans, Peter Harris, Petra Dankova, Ron Cox, Ron MacGeorge, Ryuji Suzuki, Sara Reilly, Skylar K. Pierce, Miriam Bucheli, Clare Caulfield, Tina Chakarian, Souther
Here is a video of the show. https://youtu.be/a_xalBhoLwE
We encourage you to come check it out in person.