Opera + Community Studios Contact Form Name of the business, organization, or individual holding eventFirstLastContact person FirstLastWhat is your affilitaion with the business or organization?*Business/Organization website*Email address*PhoneBusiness/Organization status*Non-ProfitCommercialHow did you hear about this space?*Describe the price point you are expecting to pay for this event.*Event Name*Description of the event.*Do you have any special requirements or requests for your event?*YesNoPlease provide details so we can better accommodate your needs.Estimated number of attendees*Preferred Event date*Alternate Event date*Event Time*Does your event have accessibility requirements?*YesNoIs your event open to the public or is it a private event?*Public EventPrivate EventSetup preferences*Please selectBanquet-Style (Seated Gala)Classroom-StyleFlat Floor FormatOrchestra RehearsalStanding GigTheater-StyleDo you have an event permit? *YesNoI do not have a permit, but am experienced in securing one.Will you need a security detail for your event?**YesNoNot SureIf you need security at the event you must hire a licensed security company.Do you need to load/unload using a loading dock? *YesNoLoading DateUnloading Date*Loading Time*Unloading Time*Has your organization produced this type of event in the past three years? **YesNoName of facility for this event:*Contact name at facility:*Phone # for contact:*Name and date of the event:*# of people in attendance:*Is your organization able to:*Include recognition and/or logo placement in your event materials for the Midway Artist StudiosAdd a verbal acknowledgement of Midway Artist Studios in any speaking program at the eventPlace an ad for Midway Artist Studios in the event program bookNot interestedCheck all that apply. Audio/Visual Equipment Needs (e.g., microphones, projectors, screens)*Please selectNoneHook up for computer or other device MicrophoneProjectorScreenLighting Preferences*YesNoWill you need access to Zoom?*YesNoWill Catering Services Be Required?*YesNoIf you would like to have alcohol at the event you will need to secure a temporary license.*YesNoIt is the organizer's obligation to pull necessary permits for alchol consumption. SendThis field should be left blank