Screens throughout Midway showcase the work we produce, fostering collaborations and friendships across disciplines which otherwise might not have occurred.


  • works in progress

  • process photos, working in studio

  • recent or upcoming exhibitions

  • or presentations of your work

  • experimental works

  • work you are proud of

  • work you are seeking feedback on

  • press clips or articles

Post via the form below

Or email us at:

You can send it pre-formated: aspect ratio 16 x 9 portrait (3840 pixels x 2160 pixels)

Or we will make a graphic with the material you send.

We won't publish this. It is to get in contact with you if needed.

This image will accompany your bio and description of your work. Images should be JPEGs, no larger than 2MB, and at least 1000 pixels on the shortest side. Name the file LastName_FirstName_nameofwork (e.g. Smith_John_fashionshowmarch).

Please proofread. Text will be published as submitted.

Please proofread. Text will be published as submitted.

If there is a drop box or google drive link that provides more information and/or visuals for what you are working on, list them here. Put each on a separate line.