89 Midway Studios Art Talk with

SOUTHER, Ellie, + Carmen

Natural pigments: Exploring the symbiosis of art and science

Thursday, September. 26 8:00pm on Zoom

89 Midway Studios Art Talk2 – YouTube

89 is an informal “art salon” where Midway Studios residents get together to share their art.

Ellie is a high school student with a passion for creating things. She’s been making art since she was very young, slowly leveling up her skills and knowledge. Carmen, her mother, is an artist in her own right, making new things when ideas pop up. With the pandemic limiting summer activities for Ellie, she and Souther worked together to learn about different types of art instead. Over the summers that followed, they worked on a range of skills, such as beading, notebook and portfolio organization, and much more. This summer, they decided to take a new approach by learning more about dyes and how they are made. Using simple ingredients, they worked together to create sample paintings with the new range of colors.