89 Midway Studios Art talk with Souther

August 26, 2021 at 8pm on Zoom

Listen to Souther’s Art Talk on YouTube

89 is an informal “art salon” where Midway Studios residents get together to share their art.

Curated by Olga Shmuylovich.

Souther is an architect and jeweler. 

What is important for her as an artist is the freedom to explore her art.

Her current work, the Silenced No Longer Project, is inspired by Say Their Names and Black Lives Matter. This project is motivated by Souther’s ongoing acknowledgement of her own white privileges. Souther uses beading and hexadecimal computer code to visually illustrate the vast number of Black lives lost through encounters with law enforcement from 2000 to the present. SNLP literally spells out the name (age, gender, date of death, and state) of each victim in a physical tribute that aims to exhibit the colossal extent of these deaths.

“When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” John Lewis