89 Midway Studios Art talk with Jeanette

September 30, 2021 at 8pm on Zoom

Listen to Jeannette’s Art Talk on YouTube

89 is an informal “art salon” where Midway Studios residents get together to share their art.

Curated by Olga Shmuylovich..

In the 1980’s, world mythologist Joseph Campbell said that we are living in a time without myths. The symbols of the old myths no longer reflect our understanding of life. Campbell also taught that we need myths to guide our growth. After making these observations, Campbell was asked: Where will the next myths come from? Look to the artist, he responded. The next myths will rise up through the artist.

To bring forward the next myths, the next stories we need to guide our growth, the artist navigates an interesting relationship with the world. On one side, the artist looks inward to hear the meeting of imagination and reality. On the other, the artist looks towards people and community to offer their incredible gift of love: their art. 

For Midway community member Jeanette Luise Eberhardy, the art of storytelling as well as the art of designing environments for creative growth hold her attention during the academic year at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She listens for emerging artists’ stories that give clues on how to balance our daily concerns with global challenges—all in service to the evolution of humanity. Eberhardy’s own experiments with artist’s book and with essays excite her imaginative response to life. These forms of art challenge her to explore the trial and error nature of human experience. This approach to creating resonates with her.